Caretaker Information Minister, Ziad Makary, emphasized that the Lebanese government “believes in the army’s abilities as it is charged with implementing UN Resolution 1701 with the approval of the whole government,” noting that “there is no other option.”
After a cabinet session held on Wednesday and in response to questions of journalists, Makary affirmed that the army deployment plan is accepted by Hezbollah ministers “since it is a clear agreement approved by the Council of Ministers and the Parliament Speaker."
He went on to say that this plan will be presented by the army commander, “on Saturday or another day,” referring to the next cabinet session on Saturday.
“We look forward with confidence to the call of the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, setting January 9 as the date for the election of a President,” he added hoping that Lebanon will have a new president “who unites, protects, and safeguards, and around whom the Lebanese meet.”
Additionally, he stated that there is plenty of time for the parliamentary blocs to try to agree on a consensus candidate among all, “and if there is no consensus candidate, they must go to the Parliament and elect.”
He concluded by revealing that “all matters related to the south, the military plan and the implementation of Resolution 1701 will be discussed during Saturday’s session."