The European Union reaffirmed its commitment to mobilizing a wide range of tools to support the Lebanese Army and the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), so that UN Security Council Resolution 1701 can be “effectively and fully implemented on the ground.”
The EU viewed the ceasefire agreement as “a major achievement, which the EU and member states had repeatedly called for throughout this year,” according to a press release released on Friday.
Lebanese political leaders have the chance, “and the enormous responsibility,” to proceed with the prompt election of a president following two years of vacancy, “to begin rebuilding a strong and sovereign state,” the EU added, confirming its commitment to supporting the sovereignty of the Lebanese state.
Additionally, the statement praised the mediation efforts made by France and the United States that made the ceasefire possible, disclosing that “it is now crucial that the ceasefire continues as agreed, to ensure the safety of people in both Lebanon and Israel.”
Finally, the EU emphasized that they will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to support the Lebanese people, including large numbers of internally displaced persons.