As Lebanon commemorates its eighty-first Independence Day in the face of ongoing conflicts and external threats, the Lebanese military forces stand as a pillar of strength, defending the nation's sovereignty and protecting its citizens. Despite facing immense odds, the military remains steadfast in its commitment to upholding peace and stability across the country.
In that context, the commander-in-chief of the Lebanese army, General Joseph Aoun, asserted on Thursday that “the army remains deployed in the South, where soldiers continue to make sacrifices and lay down their lives for Lebanon.”
“The army will not abandon this region, as it is an integral part of national sovereignty. It operates in coordination with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) under the framework of Resolution 1701. Standing alongside its people and fulfilling its national duty, the army continues to carry out its missions despite the challenges and dangers,” J.Aoun added.
The commander-in-chief stated that “since the beginning of the displacement of our people from the South, the military institution has coordinated with state agencies to support the displaced, particularly the families of servicemen, while friendly and brotherly nations, as well as many Lebanese supporters, have stepped in to extend a helping hand.”
Simultaneously, the army continues its duties across all Lebanese territories, countering any attempts to disrupt security and stability. National unity and civil peace top its priorities, constituting red lines that must not be crossed, for protecting and preserving the nation is a collective responsibility of all Lebanese.
General J. Aoun emphasized that the unfounded accusations and incitement campaigns against the army only fortify its resolve, as this institution, enjoying both local and international consensus, remains dedicated to its principles, commitments, and duties towards Lebanon and its people, independent of narrow interests.
The LAF commander-in-chief called to honor “the martyrs of the military institution throughout the years, most recently those who fell in the South for the sake of Lebanon”.
The army chief reassured the Lebanese people that “ there is no turning back and no fear for the army, which will remain united despite all circumstances” safeguarding Lebanon and defending its security, stability and sovereignty.