Meerab Rises Above the Clamor of War
Lebanese Forces conference ©Photo: Lebanese Forces

At the forthcoming conference in Meerab (Lebanese Forces Headquarters), the statements delivered will be of paramount importance, regardless of the nature and level of attendance. According to sources within the Lebanese Forces (LF) this conference will provide a strategic roadmap for Lebanese patriots to reclaim their homeland. If these plans are implemented, salvation will be within reach; however, if they are overlooked and overshadowed by the “axis of war and combat”, peace will remain out of grasp.

In April, a conference was held at the Lebanese Forces headquarters in Meerab to advocate for the implementation of Resolution 1701. This initiative drew swift criticism from both allies and opponents, with many questioning how such a topic could arise amidst the “Gaza support front” declared by Hezbollah against the Israeli Army at the southern border.

Subsequent events have confirmed the validity of the LF position. Today, the application of resolution 1701, which has become a central issue, is requested by all.

On Saturday, October 12, another conference will take place in Meerab under the theme 'Defending Lebanon.' There's no doubt that parochial quarrels will resurface on this occasion, at the risk of overshadowing the essential issue: the fate of Lebanon and the Lebanese. Critics may assert to the LF, “Now is not the time to focus on defending Lebanon,” while others will ask, “Why does the LF seek to lead this movement?” Some will even go so far as to downplay the importance of this conference, doubting its outcome. Furthermore, some will once again accuse the LF of treason, collaboration and alignment with Israel, challenging their audacity to advocate for Lebanon's defense through the establishment of a legitimate State that governs the fate and decision-making of the country and its citizens.

LF sources stress that the current circumstances are a great opportunity for anyone who genuinely cares about Lebanon and its citizens to advocate unequivocally and fearlessly for the necessity of establishing a State. This step is vital to prevent the recurrence of the tragedies that the Lebanese people are enduring today. Simply calling for the implementation of Resolution 1701 is inadequate for the time being; what is urgently required is the implementation of Resolutions 1559 and 1680, providing for the disarmament of Lebanese and Palestinian militias.

Any attempt to revive the debate on a defense strategy, or any other formula whose main purpose is to by-pass the State and undermine its role, is now unacceptable and must be rejected by all Lebanese. Furthermore, the presence of illegitimate military forces is intolerable; the only entity entitled to possess and procure weapons for the protection of Lebanon is the Lebanese Army.

The LF emphasized that those who evade this responsibility under various pretexts are often the very individuals who fear confronting challenges for the sake of the nation and its citizens. By prioritizing their personal interests over the collective good of Lebanon, they bear responsibility for the ongoing loss of lives, injuries, destruction, and displacement.





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