Fred’s Spirit

The inception of Ici Beyrouth, along with the unique concept of this young media outlet, are inextricably linked to the lasting impact of Frédéric Domont. From its very beginning, he infused his vision into this venture, which started from scratch and swiftly became a prominent presence in the media landscape in less than three years.
As a true visionary, Fred channeled his exceptional energy, unparalleled enthusiasm and passion for the profession to make this journalistic dream come true with a small group of veterans in record time. Preparations were initiated under his leadership at the beginning of 2021. With a sharp sense of clarity, he defined the project’s vocation, direction and stakes addressing both political and professional challenges without any unnecessary embellishments.
Politically, he consistently emphasized the importance of unwavering and unequivocal dedication from the Ici Beyrouth team to the principles of sovereignty and independence. Though French by birth, Fred had Lebanon in his blood; he embraced his Lebanese identity daily and took pride in his naturalization by presidential decree. It was thus fitting that he chose Lebanon for his final resting place, particularly Bikfaya, a place he deeply cherished for both personal and emotional reasons.

For Frédéric Domont, the second major challenge of our venture was also of a professional nature. He envisioned the new media outlet as a transformative force in the media landscape in Lebanon. In his view, Ici Beyrouth had to be a "global media" outlet, one that seamlessly blended two distinct yet complementary worlds: print journalism and audiovisual media. This was further enhanced by integrating the unique and equally valuable aspects of social media and graphic design. To achieve this, he aimed to build the media platform from its inception on two pillars: the seasoned expertise of Marc Saïkali in television and broadcasting, and the core of veteran print journalists with long-standing careers in Francophone media.
It was this innovative blend of these two media worlds — masterfully conceived and implemented by Frédéric Domont and the founding team — that enabled Ici Beyrouth to gain impressive momentum from the outset, despite the inherent challenges and setbacks of the industry.
His untimely passing is a tremendous loss for Ici Beyrouth. May his legacy, from the heavens, continue to inspire with a virtuous vision and his spirit guide this young media venture as it navigates the complexities of a region and country undergoing significant transformation. His enduring influence remains crucial to overcoming the many professional, human and political challenges ahead.
Michel Touma
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