Civil Servants Speak Out, Threaten Work Stoppage
The Civil Servants' Union has once again taken a stand on Thursday, demanding a readjustment of salaries and threatening a work stoppage.

In a statement, the union called on "the government to fulfill its promises and to advance a project for a fair and equitable salary readjustment that takes into account inflation and the cost of living, while also considering the principle of equality and the number of working days per year."

It did, however, thank the working team responsible for preparing the public sector reform project and salary correction for their significant efforts.

The union added that it has learned that the salary readjustment project might be postponed and that the government is considering providing additional salaries to public sector employees and retirees. Consequently, the union has confirmed its rejection of this proposal, which it deems insufficient given the cost of living, and has reiterated the need to proceed with the salary readjustment project to move out of the state of chaos and discrimination.

The union is temporarily demanding additional aid to ensure that fixed minimum benefits are not less than $1,000, a 46-fold increase in family allowances based on the inflation rate, an increase in transportation expenses and equality between the public administration and similar services.
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