General Joseph Aoun: The Army Is Lebanon's Cornerstone
Army Commander General Joseph Aoun, accompanied by several senior officers, major unit commanders and independent regiments, observed a live-fire combat drill in the Aqoura region. The drill was conducted by cadets from the Military Academy’s lieutenant qualification course.

The exercise simulated an attack on and the elimination of a terrorist group that had seized several sensitive positions in the area. It involved the use of light, medium and heavy weapons along with support systems including helicopters, aircraft, tanks, artillery and rocket launchers.

Following the drill, General Aoun praised the cadets for their professionalism and enthusiasm. Addressing them, he stated that “the Military Academy is the foundation from which you will launch your military careers as officers. You will assume critical roles within the units and add significant value to the army. Remember, success is achieved through diligence and perseverance, and an officer's success is largely determined by their initiative.”

He continued, “The institution is entrusted to you, so protect it to safeguard Lebanon. The army is Lebanon's cornerstone, and you are the cornerstone of the army. I see confidence and determination in your eyes. You are the pride of both the institution and the nation.”
This Is Beirut
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