12th Edition of the Boghossian Foundation Prize Honoring Young Lebanese Artists

In its perpetual quest to encourage and inspire artistic creation, the Boghossian Foundation, based in Brussels, annually awards prizes to Lebanese artists since 2012.
The Boghossian Foundation Prize is awarded in Beirut and aims to reward young Lebanese artists in various artistic disciplines. This year, the selected disciplines are visual arts, cinema and children’s (Arabic) literature. In 2006, the Foundation acquired the Villa Empain, a treasure of Brussels Art Deco. After its restoration in 2010, Jean and Albert Boghossian established the Foundation’s headquarters there, as well as a “Center for Art and Dialogue Between Eastern and Western Cultures.” Open to the public, this center, a place of meetings and discoveries, hosts various artistic and cultural events today.
Through its prizes, it offers talented young Lebanese artists visibility in Belgium and an opening to Europe since the Prize winners receive, in addition to a financial reward, the opportunity to stay at Villa Empain in Brussels, giving them access to the city’s museums, workshops, galleries and cultural spaces. This monthly stay is an opportunity for our young artists to exhibit their works in Europe and share their experience with Arab and foreign artists, allowing some to gain international renown.
For the 12th edition of this Prize, young Lebanese talents will have the chance to present their ideas, develop their talents and compete for one of the following three prizes:
1. Visual Arts Prize, open to Lebanese artists under 45, encompasses all forms of artistic expression such as painting, sculpture, photography, graphic design, illustration and fashion.
2. Cinema Coup de Coeur Prize, organized in partnership with the Lebanese Cinema Foundation (FLC), aims to promote Lebanese cinematic talents, especially since Lebanese films are increasingly present at the Cannes Film Festival. It will be awarded to the director of the best Lebanese film produced in 2023–2024.
3. Youth Literature Prize, targeting the 8–14 age group, is in partnership with the “Assabil” association, which promotes reading through the development of public municipal libraries. This prize rewards the author of the best book in Arabic for children and teenagers. Candidates also have the possibility to submit unpublished manuscripts, thus offering a valuable platform for new literary voices. This year again, it offers the possibility of publishing a book or manuscript to encourage people to write stories. From two manuscripts initially, it has increased to 13 manuscripts in three years.
Presided over by Mary Boghossian Salamé, head of the Boghossian Foundation in Lebanon, three juries composed of Lebanese and international experts and artists in the respective fields will deliberate in October 2024 and select the winners.

The winners will receive a financial reward of:
—$10,000 for the Cinema Coup de Coeur Prize.
—$5,000 for the Visual Arts Prize categories.
—$2,000 for the Youth Literature Prize—Book Writing Category.
—$1,000 for the Youth Literature Prize—Manuscript Writing Category.
It should be noted that travel and accommodation expenses are fully covered by the Boghossian Foundation.
Application Submission Deadline:

The deadline for submitting applications for the three awards is set for September 15, 2024. For the Visual Arts Award, application files must be sent via WeTransfer to the following address: prixliban@boghossianfoundation.be
For more information, contact 01–324593.

This Is Beirut
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