Samer Halwany: Visual Immersion From Depths to Faces

Through "Native Wonders: Below and Beyond," Samer Halwany takes us on a captivating photographic journey, from the oceanic depths to the revealing gazes of cultures, celebrating the ephemeral beauty of our planet and the unique essence of its inhabitants.
Lebanese photographer Samer Halwany invites us on an unprecedented visual journey with his solo exhibition "Native Wonders: Below and Beyond." Presented at Arthaus Beirut from May 24 to 25, 2024, this exhibition is the result of many years of passionate exploration across more than 40 countries, revealing the natural and cultural diversity of our world.
Organized by The Shift Consultancy and held at Arthaus Gemmayze, the exhibition offers an immersive experience thanks to the video projection Animating Nature’s Tale by Inkline Creatives. This collaboration adds a captivating narrative dimension to Halwany’s images, transporting visitors into an enchanting visual universe.
Beyond its artistic value, the exhibition has a philanthropic dimension. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Ajialouna, a Lebanese association that supports thousands of families in their fight against poverty. This commitment underscores Halwany’s desire to contribute to the well-being of local communities while raising awareness of essential causes.
Halwany is an active member of the Association for Bird Conservation in Lebanon and the World Confederation of Underwater Activities. He uses his art as a powerful tool for raising awareness about environmental preservation. His underwater photographs, true windows into the mysteries of the oceans, reveal a fascinating world of colors, shapes and life, often invisible to the naked eye. In parallel, his animal and human portraits offer a deep exploration of cultures and emotions, transcending geographical boundaries.

Among the highlights of the exhibition are a series of striking portraits captured in Cuba, Indonesia, Romania and Lebanon. These portraits reveal not only the environment and interactions of individuals, but also the cultural richness that shines through their gazes, expressions and non-verbal communication. An invitation to intimate and respectful discovery of the Other.

A passionate diver since 2006 and an underwater photographer since 2010, Halwany made the bold choice in 2016 to combine these two passions to capture the beauty and diversity of marine and animal worlds. His work is also enriched by his impressive collection of nearly 700 vintage cameras, allowing him to explore a multitude of photographic techniques and aesthetics, bringing a timeless dimension to his creations.
"Native Wonders: Below and Beyond" is much more than a photographic exhibition. It is an invitation to take a fresh look at the world around us, to become aware of the fragility and magnificence of our planet and its inhabitants. Samer Halwany’s images are a visual plea for the preservation of these natural and cultural wonders, a precious heritage to be passed on to future generations.
This exhibition is a true odyssey of the senses and emotions. It transcends the limits of photography to celebrate life in all its forms, explore the unfathomable depths of our world and launch a vibrant call for the protection of our common heritage. This unique experience invites us to reconnect with the beauty and diversity of our planet through the eyes of a committed and visionary artist.
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