Israeli Grassroots Movement to Protect Humanitarian Aid for Gaza
©(Alberto PIZZOLI / AFP)
A grassroots Israeli movement, Standing Together, which since 2015 has aimed to bring together Israel's Arab and Jewish communities, has set itself the mission of protecting humanitarian aid convoys bound for Gaza from Israeli far-right militants.

According to Israeli media outlet Haaretz, Standing Together plans to form a buffer zone to counter the efforts of these militants to prevent aid-laden trucks from reaching Gaza.

These vehicles must necessarily pass through Israel for their cargo to be checked.

Standing Together has set up an online fund to finance what it calls a "humanitarian guard". The movement's leaders also expressed the hope that the Israeli police would support their efforts.

As a reminder, the Israeli Ministry of National Security, in charge of Israel's police force, is currently headed by a far-right politician, Itamar Ben Gvir, who regularly opposes the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza.
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