MOU Between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Union of Chambers of Commerce
Caretaker Minister of Agriculture Abbas Al Hajj Hassan and the President of the Union of Lebanese Chambers of Commerce, former minister Mohammad Choucair, signed a memorandum of understanding on Monday, to activate the partnership and cooperation between the Ministry and the Chambers of Commerce. The memorandum aims to strengthen the role of the agricultural sector and its workers in the national economy, by increasing its productivity and profitability, and enhancing its competitiveness, which will lead to an increase in agricultural exports and enable certain food products to enter the European market.

Choucair assured that this memorandum is a "real and practical result of our shared conviction in the partnership between the public and private sectors, which constitutes a basis for development and for the effective and efficient management of energies and capacities." He said that he wanted to stimulate the productive sectors, with industry and agriculture at the forefront, because they are a fundamental pillar of the national economy.

He expressed his conviction that this partnership will bear fruit and lead to increased productivity and development in the agricultural sector.
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