Three Injured in Jerusalem Car Ramming Attack
Three civilians were injured in a car ramming attack in Jerusalem on Monday morning, the Israeli police said, adding that they were searching for suspected assailants who fled on foot.

The incident occurred on Techelet Mordechai street in Jerusalem on a day when Israeli Jews marked the start of the Passover holidays.

"A short time ago, a report was received that three civilians had been run over on Techelet Mordechai Street in Jerusalem, resulting in minor injuries," the police said in a statement.

"Two terrorists fled the scene on foot and an improvised weapon... was found on their escape route," it said, adding security forces were searching for the suspects.

Medics from the Magen David Adom emergency service said the two injured were aged 18 and 22.

Footage from security cameras posted on several Israeli news websites showed a white car ramming into a group of people at a street corner.

The car later hits another parked vehicle after which two men stepped out, with one of the assailants seen attempting to fire a gun.

Seconds later, the two are seen walking away from the site.

Israel media is reporting two suspects in Jerusalem ramming attack are 17-year-old Hebron residents

Several car ramming attacks have been reported since last year in a number of Israeli cities and in settlements in the occupied West Bank.

With AFP
This Is Beirut
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