‘Rayons d’Or Pour le Liban:’ An Artistic and Philanthropic Exhibition
A charity exhibition bringing together 30 contemporary artists in Paris, with sales funding scholarships for disadvantaged students of the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts, University of Balamand.

From May 30 to July 6, 2024, the Mazarine Variations Gallery, nestled in the heart of Paris’s 6th arrondissement, will host an exceptional philanthropic exhibition titled "Rayons d’or pour le Liban." Organized by the non-profit organization Peace of Art, this initiative will bring together original works by 30 renowned contemporary artists, including painters, photographers and sculptors, united in a spirit of generosity to support struggling students at the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts, University of Balamand (ALBA-UOB).

At the heart of this artistic and supportive project is the Peigne Soleil created in 1992 by Mima Salloum, founder of Peace of Art, for the Seville Universal Exposition. Symbolizing the subtle nature of human beings, this unifying object is the common thread of the works presented, with each artist invited to freely create around this theme of hope and harmony.

Among the artists committed to this noble cause are talented photographers such as Christine Spengler, Amir Habibi and Catherine Deknuydt; renowned painters like Stéphanie Farhat, Arwa Seifeddine and Xavier Dambrine; and talented sculptors such as Julie Legrand and Eric Busch. All have responded to the call of Peace of Art, putting their sensitivity and creativity at the service of an ideal of peace and solidarity.

In the context of economic collapse in Lebanon, where many families struggle to provide education for their children, this exhibition takes on particular significance. All profits from the sale of the works will be donated to ALBA-UOB in the form of scholarships, thus allowing young talents to continue their training in the various artistic disciplines taught at this prestigious academy.

This generous and committed approach is fully in line with the mission of Peace of Art, which works to foster dialogue between cultures and promote peace through art. By choosing to support artistic education in Lebanon, the association makes a strong statement, offering a better future to youth facing numerous challenges.

The exhibition "Rayons d’or pour le Liban" is supported by a committee composed of eminent personalities from the world of art and culture, including Valentin Bardawil, co-founder of the PhotoDoc Fair, Sophie Mainier-Juillero, director of the Mouvements Modernes gallery, and Catherine Schwaab, journalist and former editor-in-chief at Paris Match. Their commitment reflects the significance and legitimacy of this meaningful project.

Thus, by stepping through the doors of the Mazarine Variations Gallery from May 30 to July 6, 2024, visitors will have the opportunity to discover unique and powerful artworks while contributing to a wave of solidarity towards Lebanese youth. "Rayons d’or pour le Liban" embodies with strength and poetry the ability of art to transcend borders, awaken consciousness and build a more just and harmonious world. An exhibition not to be missed, for the beauty of the artworks presented and for the nobility of the cause defended.
This Is Beirut
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