Beijing Half Marathon Top Three Stripped Off Medals
©William West / AFP China's He Jie celebrating after crossing the finish line to win the half marathon
The top three in Sunday's Beijing half marathon have been stripped of their medals, organisers said, following an investigation into the finish that saw China's He Jie controversially win.

"Today the 2024 Beijing Half Marathon Organising Committee issued a decision on the investigation and handling of the men's race results," a state media report said on Friday.

It added, "The trophies, medals and bonuses will be recovered."

The race's bizarre finish saw He cross the line first after two runners from Kenya and one from Ethiopia seemed to deliberately allow him to win.

He, the 2023 Asian Games marathon gold medallist, won by one second after his supposed rivals appeared to slow down towards the finish and waved him out in front.

All four were "punished" and their results cancelled, China's state broadcaster CCTV reported.

The Chinese Athletics Association said earlier this week that they had met, issuing a statement vowing to make improvements to the sport in the country.

With AFP
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