An Invitation to Yolande Naufal's Dream at Chaos Art Gallery
©Yolande Naufal "Joie d'automne" (Autumn Joy) 30x45.
Chaos Art Gallery, in collaboration with the family of Yolande Naufal, extend an invitation to the art exhibition Invitation au Rêve (An Invitation to Dream) – A Tribute to Yolande Naufal (1949-2023). This remarkable event opened its doors on April 4 and will run until April 18, marking a celebration of the profound legacy left by Yolande Naufal.

Yolande Naufal "L'arbre de Pepe" (Grandpa's Tree) 80x80.

The exhibition Invitation au Rêve – A Tribute to Yolande Naufal, at Chaos Art Gallery, serves as the second homage to the valued artist Yolande Naufal, showcasing a captivating collection of her works from the series Le Paradis Perdu (The Lost Paradise), created between 2013 and 2014. These pieces embody a remarkable journey into the essence of freedom, encapsulating a vision where the spirit wanders endlessly through renewal and discovery. Yolande Naufal herself articulated the depth of her work in 2015, stating, "The painting represents pure freedom that allows a journey of the spirit, an eternity of seeing and renewal. Through painting, the creative sense emerges. There is the spiritual center of creation. Color is beyond color. Light is beyond light. Forms are beyond forms. It is through two essential elements, the pictorial language and the colors, that I enter into the visible and the invisible to revisit my country Lebanon, and recreate it in a magical universe. The creation touches on the 'fabulous' through the humanization of the elements. My painting is the expression of my thoughts. It carries a message, an idea, a feeling. It is the revelation of mythical enchantment, the humanization of landscapes. I immerse man in nature, and I put nature in man."

Yolande Naufal "Les trois amis" (The Three Friends) 30x45.

The exhibition offers visitors an opportunity to immerse themselves in Yolande Naufal's artistic vision, which transcends the conventional boundaries of form, color and light, to portray a rich tapestry of mythical enchantment and the deep humanization of landscapes.

With her vast academic background and a Ph.D. in Philosophy and Human Sciences with a specialization in Psychology, Yolande Naufal was also an educator, author, illustrator, and co-founder of the Dana Association for Artistic Education in Schools. She was also a member of the Lebanese Association of Painters and Sculptors. Her work, deeply influenced by naïve art, has been celebrated both locally and internationally through solo and group exhibitions. Her artistic legacy is a testament to her deep engagement with the elements of nature and the human spirit, as reflected in her diverse body of work that spans several countries and is featured in numerous art books as well as the Lebanese National Virtual Museum of Modern Art.

Yolande Naufal "Danse de lune" (Moon Dance) 20x35.

In her own words, Yolande Naufal once reflected on the intimate process of her art-making: "The feelings of color are reshaped through my psyche, felt, and experienced from within myself. I must look within myself and not around me. I do not mean representing myself. But, I affirm that I am my subject." These words encapsulate the introspective journey that she embarked on through her art, inviting us to explore the rich inner landscapes of her imagination and the vibrant, dream-like realms she conjured.

Yolande Naufal's contributions to the world of art and education have left an indelible mark on the cultural heritage of Lebanon and beyond. As visitors delve into the world of Invitation au Rêve, they are reminded of the power of art to transcend the visible, to humanize, and to dream, principles that Yolande Naufal championed throughout her lifetime.

This Is Beirut
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