Taekwondo: Lebanese Delegation Returns From China With Olympic Ticket
The Lebanese Taekwondo delegation returned to Beirut after taking part in the final qualifying rounds for the Summer Olympics to be held in Paris (France) between July 26 and August 11.

During the qualifications, Lebanese national team player and Mon La Salle club member Laeticia Aoun (under 57 kg weight category) qualified for the upcoming Summer Olympics, marking another success for Lebanese Taekwondo.

In the same qualifiers, Lebanon won a bronze medal thanks to player Ray Al Rahi (weight category over 80 kg) and a second bronze medal thanks to player Ward Salman (weight category over 67 kg).

The delegation was applauded on arrival at the VIP lounge and Omar El Masri delivered a speech on behalf of Federation President Dr. Zarifeh congratulating the delegation on qualifying for the Paris Olympics, as well as on the bronze medals won by Al Rahi and Salman. He highlighted the work of the Federation, chaired by Dr. Zarifeh, in the development of Taekwondo and the remarkable results achieved at international competitions as proof of this, hoping that Aoun will win a medal at the next Olympic Games.

Jihad Salameh, president of the Mont La Salle club, praised the Taekwondo Federation and its president for their hard work in the service of the sport, considering that the Mont La Salle club is the cradle of champions in Taekwondo and other sports. He added that champion Laeticia Aoun had persevered in her training and achieved her goal, wishing her good luck in her preparation and participation in the Olympic Games to realize her ambitions.

The last word went to champion Aoun who declared that she still lives in the atmosphere of her qualification and will strive to win a medal for Lebanon at the Paris Olympics, after a wait of almost 44 years.

She also expressed her gratitude to the President of the Federation, Dr. Zarifeh, and the members of the Federation for the plan adopted to produce champions who will carry the name of Lebanon high in international competitions, and for the regular intensive preparations to ensure that the players are fully ready. She also thanked her club, Mont La Salle, and its president, Jihad Salameh, for their support and assistance.
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