Pope Francis' Autobiography: A Tale of Love and Life
In an unprecedented move, Pope Francis ventured into the literary world with his first autobiography, Life: My Story Through History, set to grace bookshelves globally next week. At 87, the pontiff, known for his reformative stance within the Roman Catholic Church, embarks on a journey through the pages of history, intertwining personal anecdotes, humorous reflections, and the wisdom of years. Crafted through a series of interviews with Italian journalist Fabio Marchese Ragona, this concise yet profound book offers an intimate glimpse into the life of a man at the helm of one of the world’s oldest religious institutions.
Pope Francis, born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, shares candidly about the earthly affections that nearly altered the course of his spiritual journey. Recalling his youth, he narrates an episode where he was “dazzled” by a girl at an uncle’s wedding, a moment of infatuation that momentarily shook his commitment to his vocation. This revelation is not just a testament to his humanity, but also to the strength of his calling, as he overcame this distraction to dedicate himself fully to priesthood.
The autobiography also shines a light on Francis’ love for football, particularly his admiration for the legendary Argentine striker Diego Maradona. The pontiff humorously recounts a meeting with Maradona at the Vatican, where he playfully inquired about the “hand of God” goal, a nod to Argentina’s triumph in the 1986 World Cup and a moment that intertwines Francis’ national pride with his spiritual leadership.
From the inception of his papacy, Pope Francis has championed a church that embraces inclusivity, challenging longstanding conservative norms. His authorization of the blessing of homosexual couples, among other reforms, underscores his vision for a more welcoming Church, despite the backlash from traditionalists. His approach to criticism? A blend of humor and indifference, choosing to focus on his mission rather than dwell on dissent.
Describing the Vatican as “the last absolute monarchy in Europe,” Francis does not shy away from acknowledging the internal strife and “courtly arguments” that mark its governance. Yet, he calls for an end to such scheming, highlighting his intent to steer the institution towards unity and progress.

Amid speculations and comparisons with his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, Francis makes it clear that his resignation is not on his agenda. Despite health challenges, including an abdominal operation in 2023 and recurrent bronchitis, his resolve remains unshaken. His packed schedule, including an upcoming trip to Asia, attests to his dedication to his role and the global Catholic community.
The memoir also addresses a darker chapter in Argentina’s history, during which Francis led the Jesuit order amid the country’s military dictatorship. He uses this platform to refute long-standing allegations of inaction during the imprisonment and torture of two Jesuit missionaries, offering a defense of his actions during a tumultuous period.
Beyond personal and institutional reflections, Francis envisions his autobiography as a beacon for the younger generation. By sharing the trials and triumphs of his life, he aims to impart lessons of resilience, faith and compassion.
Life: My Story Through History is a mosaic of human experience, spiritual dedication and visionary leadership. Through its pages, Pope Francis not only revisits the pivotal moments of his life but also reaffirms his commitment to steering the Catholic Church towards a future marked by inclusivity, understanding and unwavering faith. As this book reaches readers around the world, it promises to illuminate the path of not just the faithful, but anyone seeking guidance from a life lived at the intersection of history and hope.
With AFP
Béatrice Moreau
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