Geagea: Lebanon Has Every Right to Build Border Control Towers
Party chief of the Lebanese Forces (LF) Samir Geagea had some strong words regarding the memorandum sent by the Syrian government to Lebanon in protest of the construction of border control towers. The Syrians claimed that these towers posed “a threat to their national security.”

“Lebanon has every right to erect towers for monitoring and controlling the smuggling of contraband, weapons, prohibited substances, people and drugs,” asserted Geagea in a statement issued on Sunday.

He further challenged the notion of Syrian national security concerns, labeling them as “non-existent in light of the presence of Iranian militias, Russian, Turkish, American and other armies in Syria.”

Geagea argued that the Syrian regime’s primary concern was the monitoring of its drug smuggling activities, suggesting that “it had become a major player in the global drug trade.” He pointed to the frequent clashes on the Syrian-Jordanian border as evidence of this.

He believed that the memorandum revealed “the true intentions of the Syrian regime,” which he described as “hostile and passive towards Lebanon.” Geagea urged all Lebanese citizens to recognize this reality and to cease any collaboration with the Syrian regime that undermines the interests of Lebanon.

It is worth noting that the border control towers were erected over a decade ago by the British government, spanning from the Arida coastline in northern Lebanon to the slopes of Mount Hermon in the South.

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