Behind the (Secret) Scenes of Lebanese Sports (14)
- A member of Parliament from the North Metn region covered the cost of a dinner organized by a well-known volleyball club, amounting to USD 15,000, in the presence of political, economic and sporting figures. The former mayor, who had confirmed his presence along with 40 people, boycotted the event due to differences of opinion with the supporting MP.

- A "discussion" took place between the presidents of two individual federations, which lasted four minutes and 30 seconds, during a conference on the fight against doping in athletics.

- A well-known volleyball candidate stated during his meetings that he wanted six names to be included in the main list that will take part in the federal elections at the end of the current year, otherwise he would form a secondary list.

- Reports are circulating that the President of the Water Sports Federation will not stand for re-election, a decision that has already been taken by his side.

- Several sports activists accepted an invitation from the Vice-President of the Olympic Committee and the President of the American Embassy Club to lunch at a coastal restaurant. The lunch was punctuated by discussions on general and specific sporting topics.

- The sports community was surprised by the sudden resignation of the head of the sports office of the Future Movement, Faissal Kalaawi. Speculation began as to who would replace him, and one of the names put forward is a federal sports official from the city of Saida.

- Olympic Committee employees have not received their salaries for 10 months, raising questions about the failure to open the Olympic Committee's safe in connection with the new legal dispute between the two parties.

- The president of an individual sports club promotes an amateur athlete as president of the federation, knowing that this athlete supports a well-known club that achieves good results in Lebanese and international championships.

- Benefactors succeeded in settling the dispute within a combat sports federation, in particular between the vice-president and the secretary general, after the dispute that broke out between them several months ago.

- Influential figures in the sporting world veto a person's name and refuse to include him/her in the powerful list that will take part in the elections of an individual sports federation, known for its intensive activity.
This Is Beirut
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