Cabinet Addresses Compensation Disparities, Approves Decrees
In an exceptional session on Saturday, in the presence of sixteen ministers, the caretaker cabinet of Prime Minister Najib Mikati approved the increase in the transport allowance for the private sector to 450,000 Lebanese pounds, as well as the decree on electronic and personal transactions.

However, the issue of compensation and allowances for the public sector, the military, and Army retirees was postponed, as its study requires a thorough review of the figures.

"Yesterday, a series of financial meetings were held, revealing continued disparities between workers in the public sector and the military. Therefore, I requested a delay in completing the study of this file to allow for a comprehensive review of all the numbers," Mikati said.

"Meetings will be held next week with representatives from the Army, internal security forces, and retirees, with the participation of interested ministers," he added. Ministers representing the Free Patriotic Movement boycotted the session.

He said that the decision to postpone discussion of the public sector issue, including the military and retirees, was made after communication with the Central Bank of Lebanon and “in order to review all the numbers to prevent any negative impact on the stability of the exchange rate (of the Lebanese pound).”

Minister of Education Abbas Al Halabi emphasized the government's commitment to ensuring justice among various categories in the public sector, military ranks, and retirees. He noted the inclination to allocate an equal percentage (of adjustment) to all sectors, which is one of the proposed solutions.

During his address at the opening of the session, Mikati reiterated his reluctance to assume the role of any individual or provide solutions in lieu of others. "When there is a vacuum, blame should be directed at those causing it, not those seeking to manage the country to prevent the negative impact of the vacuum," he emphasized.

His comment was in response to Maronite Patriarch Bechara al-Rai, who said on Friday that Lebanon is "facing a deliberate process aimed at excluding Maronites from the state."

Mikati also renewed calls for the swift election of a president.
This Is Beirut
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