Public Sector Strike Will Be Extended
The Lebanese public administration, which has been on strike since January 30, decided to extend its protest until February 23.

In a press release, the Civil Servants League denounced “the disparate policy adopted by the government since the beginning of the financial and economic crisis, and its obstinacy in restricting the rights of civil servants, and even compromising their right to a decent life.”

The league strongly deplored “the government's stubborn refusal to restore the real value of salaries, pensions and benefits,” despite the substantial revenue it derives from them.

It also rejected the eternal excuse of “not having the funds to restore these rights.”

In addition, it strongly condemned the recruitment of new employees in violation of all existing laws and regulations, who are paid high salaries in fresh dollars, instead of restoring the rights of qualified employees so that they can perform their duties.

The League called on civil servants to hold a sit-in in front of the Grand Serail on Saturday, February 10, at the same time as the extraordinary cabinet session.

The Lebanese public administration has been on strike since January 30. The civil servants denounced the government for failing to keep its promises and commitments, especially as the budget for the 2024 financial year, adopted by Parliament, did not provide salary increases to civil servants. Instead, it proposed “bonuses” to be paid from Treasury reserves.

These “productivity bonuses,” presented as an alternative to salaries, are categorically rejected by civil servants, especially because, for them, “the conditions imposed are arbitrary, illegal and unconstitutional, and violate all the principles and international agreements that protect human rights and workers’ rights.”
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