Lucy Poshoglian's Comeback at 'l'atelier by Maher Attar'

A beautiful vernissage took place on Tuesday, January 23, at Maher Attar’s workshop in Gemmayze. Lucy Poshoglian returns to the art scene after several years, exhibiting about twenty abstract canvases. This is a "comeback" curated and especially encouraged by Dr. Tony Karam.
Lucy Poshoglian, better known under the pseudonym 'Ardziv,' which means 'eagle' in Armenian, is presenting a series of paintings with warm and abstract tones suggesting a multitude of shapes and lines, inviting reflection and dreams.
Certainly, the same color palette is used, and although the exhibited canvases are all the same size, each tells a different story. Each is an invitation to travel and an opening to a magical world.
Having exhibited several times in France and the United States, both solo and in group shows, Lucy Poshoglian, despite having won excellence awards abroad, found herself in a forced rest situation for the last five years due to the dual health and economic crises.
She thus returns with enthusiasm, offering the public a beautiful range of warm colors and vibrant tones of joy and positivity. The shapes are revealed but hidden, the lines are pure but blurred, and the silhouettes are present but absent. The observer is moved, admiring without truly understanding, touched without knowing exactly by what.
Ardziv's art is indeed touching. It is powerful, hence the strength of the colors that intertwine and merge in a violent and sensual dance. One might discover nude silhouettes and see embracing bodies. One reflects and follows, according to the direction of the brush, the path of the art, and the end of the artist’s dream.
She reveals her soul through her paintings. Those who have the courage to delve into her magical universe might understand the sensitivity of her being and the beauty of her nature. Indeed, she paints her emotions on cotton canvases, immortalizing her art through her brush.

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It’s a very personal yet intensely passionate universe that Ardziv paints. She is an agile and swift eagle, taking flight to let her art flow with the power of her claws. She soars above her prey, like the color flowing from her soul, illuminating the violent red-orange mixtures.
Indeed, it is not easy to circle around the prism of the sun without burning, to give birth to 20 canvases, each emanating, in its own way, a message of joy and love.
While the base of the artist’s palette is red and its derivatives, she has subtly succeeded in creating cold and dark associations that highlight her fusion of abstract shapes and colors.
A very beautiful opening took place in the presence of many guests. It’s a moment of pure escapism guaranteed at l’atelier by Maher Attar until February 3. Thanks to Dr. Tony Karam, "the one who gave her hope again," as she so aptly put it, Ardziv has come back to enchant us with her art.
Zeina Nader
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