Samy Gemayel Rejects Agreement Compromising Sovereignty
MP Samy Gemayel warned about a potential 'deal' in the context of talks between Hezbollah and Israel that could result in an agreement at the expense of Lebanese sovereignty. "We fear that Hezbollah may claim Lebanon as a consolation prize in exchange for a withdrawal from the south to ensure Israel's security," said the MP. He alluded to Israel's demand for a Hezbollah withdrawal north of the Litani River in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1701 and the potential risk of an agreement involving a president close to the pro-Iranian faction."

In an interview with the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Seyassah, Gemayel asserted that Hezbollah might drag Lebanon into an open conflict with Israel. However, he noted that currently, the Shiite group has other concerns and is unwilling to compromise its strong position in Lebanon for the sake of Gaza.

He mentioned Iran's attempt to isolate Lebanon from its Arab surroundings to strengthen its control over the country through Hezbollah, asserting the intention to counter this plan. "The opposition is unified on this matter and has no intention of backing down," he affirmed.

Samy Gemayel accused Hezbollah of obstructing the presidential election "as it failed to impose its candidate," asserting that it will persist in doing so, citing a precedent with its Maronite ally, Michel Aoun. It should be noted that the presidential transition from Michel Sleiman to Michel Aoun spanned 29 months, primarily due to the pro-Iranian group's determination to secure the election of “its” candidate.

Gemayel expressed his opposition to the candidacy of Sleiman Frangieh (the candidate of the Shiite duo Amal-Hezbollah), citing fundamental disagreements with his political stance. "Frangieh's alliance with Hezbollah implies that the latter will exert control over the presidency, transforming the state and the presidency into a line of defense for its weapons," continued the leader of the Kataeb party. He underscored his firm stand against the Lebanese state becoming "a shield for Hezbollah."

Gemayel has disclosed receiving clear and public threats, which he claims he can trace back. "Hezbollah resorts to threats against proponents of sovereignty when their arguments fall short. The use of elimination rhetoric becomes the weapon of the weak," stated the MP, expressing concerns about a potential resumption of political assassinations.

Following an interview with BFMTV last week, Gemayel faced direct threats. Opponents intensified their campaign against him, highlighting the journalist's Israeli nationality.
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