Geagea Deplores Government's Inaction Towards Hezbollah's Acts
Lebanese Forces (LF) leader Samir Geagea said on Wednesday that he could not understand how the Lebanese government could "delegate strategic military and security decisions to Hezbollah," thereby putting "the Lebanese people, the highest authorities and the country's interests at risk in the face of regional threats and open conflict between all parties.”

"I would like someone to explain to us by what right and what logic Lebanon is involved in this bloody conflict in the Middle East,” Geagea asked in a statement issued Tuesday.

"The political forces that make up this government, notably the (Iran-backed) 'Axis of Resistance' (Hezbollah and Amal Movement), the Free Patriotic Movement and certain independents—they assume responsibility for the situation Lebanon might find itself in if the caretaker government continues to adopt its current stance with regard to the ongoing wars in the Middle East,” Geagea warned.

He noted the "great anxiety" of the Lebanese due to "the military escalation that is increasingly moving (in recent days) from one part to another in the Middle East, as Iran and its proxies fight on one side, and the USA and Israel on the other.”

With regard to the war that has been raging in the Gaza Strip since October 7, the head of the Lebanese Forces deplored "the logic of Lebanon, dragged into the war at a time when all Arab countries, from the largest to the smallest, are distancing themselves from the conflict.” Geagea strongly deplored this "logic," all the more so "as Lebanon is currently the smallest and poorest country due to its current financial, economic and political crisis.”
This Is Beirut
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