Floods Inundate the Coastal Highway in Tripoli and Akkar
Heavy rainfall overnight and in the early morning on Saturday turned the coastal roads and highways in north Lebanon into rivers and lakes. The flow of raging torrents, mixed with mud, debris, and stones, inundated the highway leading to Akkar, where traffic was redirected to adjacent lanes.

In Tripoli, Al-Mina, Qalamoun, and all the way to Chekka and Batroun, cars were trapped by the floods, and efforts are underway to tow them out. The rain was less intense in the highlands and mountains, where snowfall was recorded at 1500 meters.

Torrents flooded the road leading to Shiraa Square in Al-Mina city, causing an alarming rise in water levels and submerging cars. Additionally, employees of the Qadisha Electricity Company could not access their office building, whose entrance was completely flooded.

In Akkar, north of Tripoli, the Traffic Management Authority reported water accumulation on the Abdah roundabout and the coastal road as Civil Defense workers struggled to drain the water.

The coastal roads turned into lakes, submerged by flowing torrents through channels and watercourses that overflowed with heavy rain in the past hours. Cars and small transport trucks were blocked at the Abdah roundabout, unable to reach the vegetable market intersection near the Abdah Port in Bebnine. Strong winds and gusts prevented fishermen from going out at sea.

Civil Defense vehicles were working to pull out stranded cars and evacuate trapped passengers on the Bebnine-Al Abdah roads.

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