Jumblatt Signs Worldwide Petition to Halt Hostilities in Gaza
Former MP and leader of the Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) Walid Jumblatt signed a global petition on Sunday in which signatories denounce "the genocide perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinians," as the Hebrew state ignores international calls for a permanent ceasefire.

The signatories call on the parties concerned to "condemn the genocide" and "take effective and necessary measures to prevent its recurrence."

They also denounce the policy of management of this war by Western countries, particularly the United States and the United Kingdom. The signatories also call on all those responsible, including UNICEF, the WHO, UNESCO and UNRWA, to make every effort to help those in need and avert an unprecedented humanitarian crisis.

To date, the petition has been signed by 126 of the world's leading political, social and cultural figures, including former presidents, ministers, members of parliament and university professors.
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