UN Votes to Step Up Humanitarian Aid to Gaza
The United Nations Security Council held a vote on Friday and passed a resolution demanding the "safe and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance at scale" in the Israel-Hamas conflict. The resolution also called for the creation of conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities, but did not call for an immediate end to fighting.

The resolution was passed with 13 votes in favor, as Russia and the United States chose to abstain instead of using their veto power as permanent members of the council. US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield viewed the resolution as a positive step forward, calling it a "glimmer of hope" amidst the ongoing suffering.

UN Chief Antonio Guterres emphasized the urgency of an immediate humanitarian cease-fire, as he stated that Israel's offensive was causing significant obstacles to aid shipments.

The diplomatic discussions at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan, which led to multiple postponements of the vote, occurred against a backdrop of worsening conditions in Gaza and a rising death toll.

Russian Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya criticized the United States, accusing them of their common tactic of "twisting arms" and labeling the resolution as toothless.

The United Arab Emirates sponsored the resolution and made amendments to ensure compromise. UAE Ambassador Lana Zaki Nusseibeh acknowledged that the text was not perfect but stated they would persist in calling for a humanitarian cease-fire.

(Source: AFP)
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