Hezb Instrumentalizes Hamas in Resolution 1701

Hamas’ announcement in Lebanon regarding the formation of the "Vanguards of the Al-Aqsa Flood" didn’t come as a surprise to observers. Hamas shares a political, security and military operations room with Hezbollah, and some of its key figures are based in Beirut in order to coordinate with the so-called Axis of Moumanaa (Iran and its allies) on all matters related to the latter’s actions and to the "unification of its fronts."

However, this announcement raises numerous questions as to its objective and timing. It also revives memories of past wars, the image of "Fatahland," and the uncontrolled presence of Palestinian weapons, knowing that President Abou Mazen (Mahmud Abbas) had previously stated that these weapons now fall under the responsibility of the Lebanese state, in charge of the Palestinian camps’ security.
According to some information, it was Hezbollah that solicited this announcement, anticipating a phase of intense pressure aiming at imposing the implementation of Resolution 1701. In doing so, it seeks to position itself behind the theme of Palestinian presence in Lebanon and the Sunni rhetoric, asserting that its weapons are not the only weapons of the "resistance."

This situation poses a major danger to Hamas and the Palestinian presence, as it involves Palestinian refugee camps in a power struggle and diverts attention from the events unfolding in Gaza.
Moreover, this marks the beginning of major tensions on the Lebanese scene. It is a serious mistake committed by Hamas towards Palestinians in Lebanon, reverting Lebanese-Palestinian relations back to square one. The situation is all the more alarming considering the immense efforts made by Fatah and the Palestinian Authority to normalize these relations and prevent the instrumentalization of this presence for regional considerations, notably those of Iran in Lebanon.
Consequently, the Fatah movement, through its embassy in Beirut and its leaders who are in touch with the Lebanese authorities, will undertake a series of contacts to mitigate the impact of this declaration and prevent it from being interpreted as representing all Palestinians.
Evidently, Hamas has acquiesced to Hezbollah's wishes, as it prepares to face the implementation of Resolution 1701, becoming the vanguard defending its policy. Among the instruments of this confrontation, there is the use of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, as well as certain groups operating for the Resistance Brigades, as a vanguard aiming to hinder the implementation of the resolution, plunging its execution into the labyrinth of chaos and armed militias, all under the pretext of "resistance."
Meanwhile, the "Moumanaa axis" observes the destruction of Gaza; all following the plan of Hamas, which has agreed to play this role, with all of the negative repercussions it implies on the camps and the internal situation in Lebanon.
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