The UN Special Coordinator in Lebanon, Joanna Wronecka, paid a farewell visit to the head of the Amel Foundation, Dr. Kamel Mhanna, on Tuesday, stressing the importance of humanitarian work under the current circumstances in Lebanon and the region.

Wronecka, who will end her diplomatic mission in Lebanon soon, emphasized “the need of working together for the benefit of Lebanon, and prioritizing humanitarian issues” in view of the economic crisis and violence in the south, which forced the displacement of thousands of people.

“The UN will support all efforts aiming to calm the situation and implement international laws and resolutions, including 1701. There are several countries in the Security Council that intend to strengthen Lebanese resilience and support Lebanon to achieve this goal,” she stressed.

Wronecka also praised the Amel Foundation’s commitment to the Lebanese and their dedication to humanitarian programs and interventions, especially in the south, despite the “very difficult circumstances.”

She also considered that “every humanitarian work represents a cornerstone for building a better society and promoting peace and development.”

On his part, Dr. Mhanna thanked Wronecka for her efforts in “sponsoring humanitarian efforts and seeking to mobilize support for Lebanon, which is witnessing a multi-layered crisis.”

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