Lebanese Forces (LF) leader Samir Geagea expressed concerns about the current regional situation and warned of a potential escalation if the Lebanese government does not act immediately.

Geagea warned that “the situation is not only challenging but also expected to evolve into a more complex crisis than initially anticipated.” These remarksĀ came in a speech he gave during the annual dinner organized by theĀ Zahle coordinatorsĀ of the Lebanese Forces Party in Maarab.

The LF leader addressed the ongoing turmoil in the region, emphasizing the significance of finding a solution to the Palestinian cause.Ā He underlined the urgent need for international intervention, stating that “failing to address this issue could lead to further instability, with potential consequences in a month, six months, a year, or even five years.”

He stressed the importance of the known and singular Arab Peace Initiative two-state solution. This proposal was established during the Arab Summit in Beirut in 2002 and represents a comprehensive path to resolving the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In addition to discussing regional concerns, Geagea called attention to Lebanon’s domestic political landscape. He criticized the current caretaker government for its “inaction and failure toĀ effectively carry out its constitutional duties,” particularly given the challenging wartime circumstances.

Geagea pointed out that this government, which includes members fromĀ the Resistance Axis and the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM), has been marred by “political infighting and a lack of effective governance.”

He highlighted thatĀ despite the FPM’sĀ claims to champion the rights of Christians, “these claims seem to be conditional, dependent on the group’s specific demands, interests and political agenda.”

Moreover, Geagea emphasized the precarious situation of the Christian community in Lebanon, noting that, like other Lebanese citizens, they face significant challenges and dangers, especially in the absence of a functioning government.

The LF leader called attention to the need for immediate action to form a government that can address the pressing issues facing the country.

“These individuals originally formed this government to share power, with each party getting its own share to act upon and enjoy. As for the people’s affairs, they remain unknown,” he added.

Geagea criticized the government’s handling of the current crisis and its “inability to make significant decisions.” He underscored that given the caretaker government’s constitutional authority, it should be able to convene and act effectively to address Lebanon’s critical needs.

“Today, the entire Lebanese population and all citizens feel that their fate is uncertain, and the Resistance Axis is obstructing the presidential elections,” he stated.

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