The General Security Directorate has initiated a comprehensive survey of the activities conducted by various associations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) helping the Syrian refugees. This proactive step aims at identifying and addressing the violations of regulations within this sector.

In a statement issued on Thursday, September 28, the General Directorate of General Security voiced concerns over the escalating number of organizations and associations dedicated to addressing the needs of displaced Syrians.

It noted that a significant portion of these entities has failed to secure the requisite permits, licenses or authorizations necessary to engage in their respective activities. Additionally, it has come to light that certain associations are involved in activities that deviate from their stated missions and violate the regulations that underpin their permission or authorization.

In response to these concerns, the Directorate has issued a formal request to all associations and NGOs, with a particular emphasis on those involved in providing assistance to Syrian refugees, whereby they are to abstain from undertaking any activities that breach the terms outlined in their permits and authorizations.

Furthermore, these organizations are instructed to submit their relevant information to the regional office under which they operate, including a copy of their license, authorization or permit, as well as details regarding the teams responsible for carrying out their activities.

The Directorate has underscored its commitment to taking appropriate action against those found to be violating existing laws and regulations. As part of this proactive initiative, operational sectors falling under the purview of the General Directorate of General Security will intensify their efforts to scrutinize the activities of all associations and NGOs.

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