A group of men attacked the Om bar in Beirut’s Mar Mikhael district on Wednesday evening, during a Drag Queens show. They cursed patrons and prevented them from leaving the premises.

According to reports relayed on social media platforms, these men are members of “Jnoud el-Rab” (Soldiers of the Lord), a group of young residents of Achrafieh, united by a common faith.

As soon as the incident was over, SGBL CEO Antoun Sehnaoui’s detractors immediately accused him of being behind the group and the skirmish that took place. Sehnaoui, who has been systematically targeted for several months now both in the media and politically has announced on Thursday that he would turn to the judiciary to put an end to the countless campaigns orchestrated against him.

Sehnaoui wrote in a statement published Thursday, “We deny the false accusations directed at us and reserve the right to prosecute all persons and entities who fabricate and disseminate this spurious information which is contrary to reality and the law. We categorically reject this new, fabricated defamatory campaign by individuals and entities whose affiliations are known and whose sole aim is to damage our reputation, cause us harm, and inflict serious moral and material damage. These actions prove the existence of harmful intentions against us and can only be part of campaigns carried out for purposes that are no longer a secret to anyone, associating us with groups or gatherings with which we have absolutely nothing to do.”

Furthermore, Sehnaoui insisted on his total and absolute attachment to fundamental and public freedoms, “which constitute one of the most important foundations of Lebanon, as well as the country’s raison d’être;” even more so as he fights for them. “We strongly condemn last night’s aggression in the Gemmayzeh – Mar Mikhael area, just as we condemn any attack on public or individual freedoms, whatever the motive, reasoning, or pretext. Any act of violation or aggression must be placed in the hands of the judicial authorities and security forces, who are solely responsible for law enforcement, security, and the protection of freedoms.”

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