The leader of the Lebanese Forces (LF) party, Samir Geagea, said that “the author of the disastrous situation in Lebanon is the diabolical alliance between the (Hezbollah-led) Moumanaa axis and the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM).”

Speaking at a press conference in Maarab on Tuesday, Geagea said: “The government in Lebanon acts more according to the clientelist mentality than according to income, and it is reaching out to the Central Bank to make up for the deficit.”

He stressed that “our fundamental problem in recent years has been the dysfunction of institutions,” adding that “the payment of (public) salaries is the responsibility of the government, not the Central Bank.”

“The Central Bank is the regulatory body for the banking sector in all countries, and the economic destiny of any country rests on the banking sector,” he said.

Furthermore, Geagea revealed that “more than a billion dollars are wasted every year due to uncollected taxes and corruption at customs, while it is possible to secure a billion dollars there.”

He also argued that “the loan from the Central Bank to the State is against the law and will not pass” and that “it is the government’s responsibility to secure the salaries of public sector employees.”

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