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The Secret. The title of the exhibition instantly captivates us, piques our curiosity, and compels us to push wide open the doors of the Janine Rubeiz Gallery in pursuit of further understanding. The artist, Rosemary Chamoun, presents her masterpieces from July 26th till August 11th.

Inside, we are enchanted by Rosemary Chamoun, a trained architect, who has previously collaborated on multiple artistic projects in the Middle East, Latin America, and Australia. With this international experience under her belt, she plans to participate in another significant artistic event in New York.

This burgeoning artist speaks fervently about her art and whisks us across her canvases on an existential journey, a quest for the Holy Grail.

For Rosemary Chamoun, painting is a liberating creative process, a complete surrender. She intoxicates herself with music, splashing her euphoria and passion onto her canvas, thereby reclaiming her primal innocence to gain in freedom and spontaneity. With all senses heightened and instinct as her sole guide, the artist plunges into a trance to regain the fluidity of motion, the vibratory energy flow, and the momentum conducive to inspiration and creation.

In her abstract universe conducive to contemplation, the artist invites us to probe the depths of our being, to explore the tangible world only to discover another reality, spiritual and immaterial.

The painter contrasts the opacity of the material, accentuated by the thickness of the foreground’s flat areas, with the softness bathed in light symbolizing the spiritual dimension, interpreted in the background in fine and transparent pastel hues of pink, pale yellow, and tender green.

Through this, she invites us to experience a parallel universe that transcends appearances, beyond the abstraction of lines and shapes; a universe embedded in the intricacies of the unconscious in a deliberate blur so that the spirit’s breath may finally escape, akin to the light beams that seem to permeate her canvas.

The artwork thus plays the role of a developer to unveil the essence of things; a language steeped in introspection that allows the artist to discover her buried feelings and her unarticulated thoughts, leaving it to the viewer to weave their own narrative.

Rosemary Chamoun then invites us to grope our way in the dark, much like in Plato’s cave, on a quest for truth and meaning, to arm ourselves with discernment to tear through the veil of pretenses and deceptive appearances. In essence, unveiling the buried secrets and hidden treasures deep within us, exploring all the mysteries to finally reconnect with the light in a need for transcendence.

In conclusion, according to the artist, the artwork must surprise and encourage the viewer to venture into self-discovery, to find their own truth akin to Jason in quest of the golden fleece, and through this initiatory journey, to reconnect with the best within themselves.

A startling experience not to be missed until August 11, 2023.

Jocelyne Ghannagé
Instagram: @jogannepaintings

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