Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) MP Gebran Bassil took to the stage at a conference held in Jbeil addressing the Syrian refugee issue in Lebanon.

In his address, Bassil stated that Lebanon is ranked first in the world as the country hosting the highest number of refugees per capita.

“It is a humanitarian crisis indeed, but it is affecting us as Lebanese citizens both socially and economically,” Bassil said.

According to the head of the FPM, both the refugees and the host country are victims of the current circumstances.

However, Bassil believes that “we need to act proactively to solve the problem, bearing in mind that the solutions need to come from within Lebanon and not by relying on foreign powers.”

Bassil took solid jabs at Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, who was the prime minister at the beginning of the Syrian Uprising in 2011, for not settling the refugees’ issue.

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