Army Commander General Joseph Aoun emphasized on Wednesday, May 24, on the occasion of the Resistance and Liberation Day that “the preservation of Lebanon’s security and stability, as well as the control of its borders, are essential conditions for economic recovery and the proper functioning of institutions.”

In a message to the military, he stressed that these conditions cannot be fulfilled without their sacrifices, and added that the army enjoys the confidence of the Lebanese people and the international community.

Aoun hailed “the determination of the military to fulfill their duty to the homeland, and to protect it against enemies, namely Israel and terrorism.”

On this occasion, he added, “we remember with pride the historic victory of the Lebanese over the Israeli enemy, which rendered it possible to liberate most of the occupied territory in the south of the country.”

“We reiterate our unwavering commitment to fulfill our obligations, particularly along our southern borders, in coordination with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon and in strict accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1701. Also, we assert our inherent right to resist the Israeli enemy and regain the entirety of our territory,” he added.

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